Sunday, January 24, 2010

The weekends : A rather gross and descriptive blog about mucos. caution!

As much as I love staying home with little Jesse Bear, I work part time on the weekends as a receptionist at a children's play facility on Friday nights, and Saturdays. My job is a crazy and fast paced one. I'm responsible for the usual desk stuff like phone calls and program bookings, but we have about 200-300 different people (children and adults) enter the facility during my 4 hour shift on a Saturday morning, and I'm responsible to greet them all, sign them in, and direct them to the proper location (birthdays, classes and open play are all happening at the same time). It's actually a pretty fun job, and I like the change of pace from my week at home with Jesse. I also supervise a bunch of teenie-boppers who host children's parties and run our canteen and such, and that can also be fairly entertaining! It's been good to get out and deal with people other than my little and big babe, but I'm just as happy to get home to see them again!

After my work shifts, I get home Saturday pretty wiped out, but so happy to be home and get to spend time with Dave and Jesse together! We used to hang out with people on Saturday nights, but are both pretty wiped by 2 pm on Saturday as Dave has been dealing with teaching teenagers English and History all week (he's a high school teacher), and then looks after Jesse until Mama gets home. So... lately we've been taking it easy on Saturday night. Curling up on the couch after J Bear goes to bed, and watching some amazingness we like to call Jack Bauer, saving America one interrogation at a time. We stuff our faces with Brie Cheese and Nacho chips, and enjoy being lazy for one night. Sunday's are the best though! We pull Jesse into bed with us in the morning, and he rolls around in all his glory of having both mom AND dad paying attention to him, when he goes down for his morning nap, Dave and I have a nice leaisurly coffee and tea together, then get ready for church. After church we usually catch an afternoon nap, and tend to be social on Sunday nights.

Well.. My weekend kinda sucked this time around. On Friday at about 2pm, after dealing with sore eyes and a bit of a headache all day, my eyes started oozing out copious amount of mucos, pretty much non stop. I had to call in sick to work, as I could barely see through all the slime, and they were starting to get pretty red. After picking up some antibiotics at the pharmacy, I decided to rent a girly movie as Dave had a staff party to attend that night. Not a smart move. By 7:00 my eyes were totally red, and on top of the non stop ooze chunks, my eyes started seeping this sticky stuff that made my eyelashse stick together... It was pretty hard to watch the movie, and I had to keep pausing to clean them up, so I could sort of see. By 9:00 the tissues all around my eyes were so swollen, they were almost totally shut. I called Dave in tears (one more thing to add to the mess already happening) to come home, as my eyes were burning and throbbing, and I thought maybe I was going blind...

I didn't get to work the next morning either, as it took me about 15 minutes to scrub my eyes until they would open... and just a few millimeters at that. When I finally did get them open, I barely recognized myself. I honestly looked like a different person my eyes were so crazy! I don't think Jesse recognized me either, cause he kept staring at me funny all day,, and was rather crabby. So... I stayed home, yet another day, and was feeling so yucky AND stir crazy, but couldn't get the nerve to face the world. I looked like a drug addict with a crying problem who has been punched in the face a few times.

This morning, things are most certainly improving! I just look like a lady with pink eye, and that's about it. Jesse smiled and grinned when I went to get him this morning, and has been really happy. I think he's happy his mama is back! I'm home from church today, to keep the germs at bay. Dave and Jesse, so far seem to be in the clear... I went crazy disinfecting on Friday, and have been a hand sanitizing nazi since. So... here's hoping. Also, hoping my next blog entry will be far more interesting and pleasant! I'm out.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Men are from Mars, where I'm certain they battle it out!

Although I haven’t read the book, Men are from Mars, Women from Venus, I feel well versed in the idea from a variety of snipets addressed throughout my communications degree. And with marriage, the concept of gender difference couldn’t ring clearer!

When we had little 4 month old Play mate, Naomi, over yesterday, I was amused at the differences between them, so obviously notable at a young age. You see, Jesse and Naomi have a special little relationship. Whenever Jesse and Naomi get together Jesse reaches out and holds her hand. Naomi acts totally uninterested, and eventually pulls away. She’s a girl. Playing hard to get already. Jesse, in return, pulls the “I like you so I’ll be mean to you” drill that many little boys do oh so well. He was a bit of a baby jerk yesterday and kept taking Naomi’s doll, shaking it to death, then stealing her block, throwing it over his shoulder, then reaching over and pulling her tiny little ears. Sweet little Naomi just ignored him as best she could and continued sweetly, calmly and quietly playing on the floor, beside Jesse who was rolling, grunting, yelling and being a hyper little boy.


Jesse’s other good buddy, Ewan.. see they play like “dudes”.... They acknowledge the other one is there... and then kind of do their own thing beside each other together. NO hand holding, so teasing. Just straight up play! I’m sure they’ll video game together in the future.
I’ve been quite floored this week, by how much of a little boy Jesse is turning out to be. His busy (yet loveable) behaviour seems to have uped a notch this week, and life all of a sudden feels much busier. I used to tote Jesse around on my hip for a good part of the day while I cleaned or cooked, or talked on the phone, or sent emails. He was happy being with mama, and seeing new things going on. This is rather impossible these days, as he tried to climb onto my shoulder, flip upside down, jump up and down, and grabs EVERYTHING! He’s also discovered grunting, which Dave is quite proud of. It’s funny how dad’s are. As Jesse pounds on things, Dave is like “thata on that arm strength” Where I will say “gentle” and try and lessen the intensity of his blows.

The boys in the house have been battling it out all week, and I’m not sure who is winning to be honest. Cooper and Jesse have their daily battle ritual. You see, Cooper likes to lick Jesse’s toes... Jesse doesn’t like that so much, but puts up with it cause the dog will get close enough for Jesse to pull on his ears. Cooper doesn’t like his ears being pulled... but will deal with it so he can lick those delicious toes. Eventually one of them backs away from discomfort... usually the dog. Jesse one. Cooper zero.

Jesse is also quite the warrior when it comes to showing his toys who is boss. He has the cutest little work shop set that lights up and makes sounds, and Jesse has progressed from wanting to suck on it, to bashing the crap out of it with his hammer while he chews on the screwdriver. He also has this cute little singing old macdonald farm toy that we put in his booster tray after he eats, or while we get his food ready. He used to play with the buttons and animals for a good 15 minutes. However, he discovered how to flip the toy over a few days ago, then push it off his tray onto the floor. And that is NOW his favourite use with it. Jesse 2.... The rest of house, zero.

Then, there is the nightly battle between Dave and Jesse during his supper feeding. I tend to take my time with Jesse when he eats.. if he grabs the spoon, I let him take it and chomp on it until he lets go, or gets fussy for more food. Dave and Jesse both fight for control of the spoon, and while Dave usually wins, Jesse retaliates by turning his face at the last moment, and having carroty beef with a touch of pear smeared across his face, or up his nose. Jesse doesn’t care how much food is caked onto his face, but Dave and Jesse both mind when it’s time to wash it off! Tie on that one.
I try to stay out of all the power grabs. The major battle I fought this week was with yoghurt tubes. I try not to buy the sugary milky stuff...but they had raspberry and grape yop tubes on sale, and I just couldn’t resist! Yogurt 1. Chrissy Zero. Then to add insult to injury, when I cracked one open at homw the stuff wouldn’t come out. So, You know the way you squeeze a toothpaste from the bottom up when it gets really low? Well... I went to do just that, and all of a sudden the whole tube exploded, and I felt icky sticky yogurt plastered all over my face. I went to the mirror to take a look, and burst into laughter, as I had a perfectly shaped thick goatee of pink yogurt on my chin, with a bit of a chin strap too! Yoghurt 2. Chrissy zero.
Now, I do realize that I’m going to have to enter the battling arena with my dear little Jesse very soon. Jesse is becoming aware of his actions a little, and I’ve started very sternly and sharply telling him NO, when he throws a screaming fit. And it works! He looks up at me like... what?! Where is my sweet, smiley mama? But I think it’s just a distraction more than a discipline technique at this point. I feel like his wee baby days of sleeping, pooping and crying are over, and I don’t feel like I’m just an overtired, baby changing, dairy queen anymore, I’m a PARENT! Whoa. God be with me as I train up this darling little guy. Thanks for reading, I’m off!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Way to a Man's Heart

Dave's birthday was last weekend. He turned the big 2 6, and this is the first time since I've known him, he said that a birthday felt significant, because he's on his way to 30. Which feels big. I think I'll cry when I turn 30. I know it's still really young, but there is just something about it that makes me feel a little queasy. I want to be finished having kids by the time I'm 30. The problem with that, is that Dave wants 4. That means one a year for the next bit? Not happening. One of us is gonna have to give on our expectations.

Anyways, Dave and I bought a bigger flatscreen TV this year together, in place of buying each other gifts on every occasion ( birthdays, anniversaries, etc). But, we agreed for these special occasions to make something thoughtful for each other. Well, I'm a little bit craftsy, and had a variety of ideas of things I could make for him, but in the end, I knew that what he would love the most. You see, Food REALLY is the way to my man's heart...

So, I made Dave gluten free chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting (which was just a given) for his special day. But I also made a massive plate of nacho dip made of totally fattening stuff: Cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, cheddar cheese, and some veggies and salsa to make it slightly healthy? The vat of fat, was devoured along with 2 bags of nacho chips in 2 sittings! You'd think that Dave woulda had enough of that kind of food for a few days. I know when I overeat, I don't feel like whatever it was, for a good week anyways. I ate too much schwarma(sp?) about a year ago, and still haven't been able to bring myself back to it! Well, dear David and I, are very different I suppose. Because.... the very next day, Dave decided he was going to spend some money he'd received as a birthday gift at the grocery store. He bought about 50 bucks in cheeses and 3 bags of nacho chips to accompany them. Now... I love Brie cheese with a passion, and so I'm not complaining about my husbands stomach... just marveling.

I think Jesse has this innate passion for food as well. He's a wiggly little worm, and the only time he seems to stop flailing his limbs is when he is nursing. It's like he goes into this different place. On the other hand, he is the happiest and most squirmy silly kiddo when he eats his solids in his high chair. He grunts and squeals and smiles during the whole feeding experience and will get all red in the face with anger as he shakes his little clenches fists if you start going too slow with the spoonfuls.... Jesse is too cute for his own good.

I guess I have food on the brain today. I get these bursts of inspiration every month or so and go nuts cooking and baking new things for a week or two. A burst hit me this weekend after going through a new GF cook book. I went to the bulk barn and bought 20 bucks in random flours, and hit up the grocery store at 10pm after work one night for ingredients. We had a delicious Chicken Mandarin and Walnut Salad with Curry dressing for lunch, and a Beef Soup with Dumplings for supper, followed with a Banana Nut cake with chocolate drizzle. Mmmmm.... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

Unfortunately, here at the Vance Palace Left overs don't exist. No matter if I double or triple the recipe, Dave will eat all of it between 5pm at supper and midnight when he goes to bed. I've gotten good at hiding things in the cupboads and the fridge. Because just like men are good at eating, they suck at finding things. Dave can be staring right at something and not see it :) Love him. Anyways... off to my cookbooks for more ideas. Thanks for reading. I'm out.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas, carrots, and Change

Well, I apologize to my dedicated and wonderful followers, for my lack of material over the past few weeks. We took a trip back East to visit the fams over the holidays, and combined with getting ready for Christmas, and then getting back to Ottawa for one of my brothers weddings, things have been a wee bit crazy. Lovely. And Crazy Busy.

So... what's new in 2010 for the Vances you are most likely dying to know? Not a whole lot with Dave I, really. Dave is back to work and several hundred assignments and tests behind in marking, while I enjoy being at home with Cooper and Jesse. Jesse, however, provides the biggest changes and conversation topics these days, so I guess I'll talk about him.

Six months ago, the little malnourished 6 pounder could barely keep his eyes from crossing, or stay awake, for that matter. Six months later, his is a happy, silly, dramatic, and darling little boy. He has doubled his birthweight, and I must mention has very good and straight eyes (his Poppie was worried about them for a while). He has a passion for yelling, sitting and gurgling the phrase dada. And when I look at him and prod, "Say mama?" He grins, squeaks out "dada," then nuzzles into my neck.

Just over the past month, he's changed a ton. He has cut 2 teeth, can sit up on his own, and while he used to spit rice cereal in my face when I fed him, he now downs the stuff like a trooper. I feel bad for babies and the things they recommend you start them on as far as food goes. The rice cereal isn't that bad, or the fruit, but strained carrots and green beans are gross. Someone told us to try avocado, and I was a little disturbed. I don't like guacamole. But you'd think it was gummy bears, the way Jesse reacted. The Beef is truly disgusting, and tops the cake in my opinion. It's slimy, and gritty, and smells like cat food. Jesse, however, scarfs that down, shivers, then smiles and opens his mouth for more while bouncing in his high chair. Unbelievable.

There are several things I just can't get over when it comes to babies, and my little Jessebear in particular. One, is how nothing in my life REALLY truly prepared me for being a mom. Maybe if I was a soldier on the brink of war, that would have prepped me for the lack of sleep ... And not even prenatal classes (as good intentioned as they are) really prepares you for giving birth. enough said. And nursing... well that is a whole 'nother can of worms, that a person really can't be "trained" for. Then there is all the practical stuff about vaccines, and baths, and when to feed what, and parenting approaches. I didn't really babysit, and let's just say, thank GOD for mothers and the internet.

Most of all, I'm totally blown away by the fierce love I have for this little, needy, bony kid with massive cheeks, and the quirkiest personality. He's started reaching for me when he is with somebody else, and I must say I quite selfishly LOVE it. Being a mom is just the best. Looking forward to 2010 with my awesome babe, husband and even my irritating dog. Thanks for reading. I'm out.