The past week was a challenging one. Jesse was throwing fits left right and center, and didn't seem to snap out of it until the weekend while I was at work. Daddy always seems to get Jesse during his happier days, and gets the 3 hour naps from him, etc. So unfair. But, truthfully, I am glad for that. Dave has enough stress and attitude thrown at him during the week teaching the teenies, he doesn't need ANY more.
Yesterday, we decided to try Jesse in the nursery at church instead of in the service with us. One of us usually ends up having to leave with him after the music ends, cause he is SO loud. There is a parents room with video feed of service, toys, exersaucers and a nursing corner we've been using. But, we decided we wanted to both enjoy the service together each week. So... we filled out the paper work and dropped him off. We received a pager, and they said they would page us if he had any issues. I felt a little bit sad for a few minutes. Then felt an extreme surge of freedom and happiness with our decision. We picked him up an hour and a half later at the end of the 10:50, and the nursery volunteers said he did just fantastic, and got a long well with everyone. That was good to hear.
This week I'm starting on my to-do list for our upcoming move. I have reserved our u haul, and plan to pack a few boxes this week. Dave is away with his grade 12 world issues class in Toronto at the Model United Nations conference for most of the week, so I plan to eat frozen food, and spend my cooking time doing some purging and packing. I'm actually kind of excited about it. For one, I like projects to work away at. However, I like going through old boxes and all the "stuff" that gets accumulated and throwing things away. It feels refreshing somehow...AND Dave won't be here to tell me to keep stuff! ma ha ha.. (that was supposed to be evil laughter)
I have a plum and almond coffee cake in the oven, and I'm feeling a little weirded out by the smell and look of it. Jesse Bear is getting in a nap, and I think this afternoon we'll go to the park. I took him on Sunday, and let him play in the sand, and he was so curious about it at first. Picking it up and letting it run through his fingers, squishing it in his toes. Then, he decided he didn't want the sand touching him and kept trying to kick it away with his feet, only to discover more and more sand. Eventually he just lifted his arms up and looked at me with this pout that said "rescue me." So cute. Alright. enough blog jabbering. Or blogabbering...or jablogerring...On my way. Thanks for reading. I'm out.