Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The school year is pretty much here! Dave is officially back at school this week and we have social engagements of all sorts every night this whole week. We were lucky to have a great wedding and reception on Sunday to relax and enjoy some time off from the kids before the craziness starts up. We left Janna with a close mommy friend, and Jesse had his first teenager come over from next door to watch him. It felt like a big step, leaving one of our kids with a teenager. But, she is responsible and did great! Dave and I particularly enjoyed the few hours between the ceremony and reception. We went to Starbucks and had a long and leisurely drink and chat without any interruptions! We actually started discussing when to have our next child... but afterwards I thought we should probably wait to make a decision until after the school year is underway and I get a dose of reality being at home by myself with the kids, again. The summer was such a breeze. Having 2 of us to look after the munchkins made for a fairly easy going day.

Well, yesterday went pretty great. TODAY, However has been a bit of a disaster. To begin with, Janna was up just about everyhour last night for fairly long chunks of time. I think her top tooth is causing her some discomfort and she has a bit of a cold. So, I started off the day totally exhausted. After stumbling through getting the kids fed and dressed and things cleaned up after breakfast, I put Janna down for her morning nap. Jesse was pretty grumpy and asking to go outside, so I promised him after a quick shower we would go out. Well, of course, as soon as we are all set to go out, it starts raining cats and dogs. Sigh. He just didn’t understand why I didn’t want him playing in the pouring rain. (He, too, is fighting a cold). I decided that we would have a special snack to try and entertain him, and realized I am pretty low on groceries. So, plan B was to go to the store to get some things for lunch. Janna woke up and I got the kids all ready to go, only to discover that Dave had taken the car for the day. So, we waited for the rain to blow over, and I reorganized the kids and got them into the stroller to scoot down to the quickie to grab something for lunch.

The rain seemed to pass over and we finally got outside, to the store, then home. Jesse was dying to play outside , even though Janna and I were getting pretty hungry, so we stayed out to play for a while. Sure enough, like 5 minutes later it starts to rain, again. A few kids from the neighbourhood had my stroller and were pushing around their toy dolls a ways away, and so I couldn’t get into the house without my keys. They were in the stroller. After arguing with a 4 year old (yes, that’s right) to please bring back my stroller so I could get my kids in out of the rain and for lunch, we headed inside kinda wet and uncomfortable. The kids asked if they could come inside to pet the dog, and proceeded to come inside after my response of, “not right now- I have to get the kids lunch.” Cooper decided to make a little bust for the door as I sort of Dive trying block him, I just about dropped Janna on her face I didn’t drop Janna, but did spill my tea(thankfully cold by now) all over her! I shooed the kids OUT and turned around only to discover that Cooper had got into the garbage while we were out, and it was ALL over the house. Jesse was playing with a bunch of broken egg shells and gobs of meat fat. I put Janna down, covered in tea, and freed Jesse from the mess and went to clean his hands. Janna at this point, starts crawling all over the floor and dragging her tea soaked clothes all over my recently washed floors. Ah! I strip her down while hollering at Jesse NOT to Go back to playing with the fat globules. The dog is barking, the house is hot and stinky, the kids are fussing, and I am starving and needing to pee.
So, I feel like a bad mom, but put them both in front the TV and decide I need to clean up. Well, I put on a Dora DVD, and don’t you know it, Jesse does not want Dora. He starts SCREAMING, “ NO DORA! WATCH DIEGO. DIEGO!!!! DEEEEEEEEE-AAAAAAA-GOOOOOOOO. ”And flailing his body like a maniac. This scares Janna and she starts bawling her eyes out. So, I feel like an even worse mom, but I take them both to their cribs for a time-out. Really, the time-out was for me. To clean up the floors and get lunch without the screaming children so close at hand.

Man. I am happy to report, they are both now fed and happy and playing together nicely on the clean floor. Nap time is in 15 minutes, and you gotta know what I’m doing at nap time! I’m so thankful for the way that God created time, and that we get a sleep break between each day. His mercies are new every morning. Amen. He HE. Alright, well thanks for reading, I’m off.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Whoa. It’s the end of August. Who knew?? The summer has flown by, and with a lot of routine out the window, I have failed to blog as consistently as I would have liked to. I find when Dave is around to help me with the kids, and with vacation and what not, I get in the summer groove of laziness. I hope with Back to School around the corner I will get better at this blogging thing. At this point, I feel overwhelmed with everything that’s happened over the summer and am not sure what to write about. I think Point Form will have to do.

Has been awesome over the summer! He has been taking care of the kids first thing in the morning and getting them breakfast and ready for the day while I take my grand old time getting ready in a very leisurely fashion. He’s also been taking care of most of the dishes and keeping the kitchen clean all summer, which has just been a tremendously beautiful and much needed break for myself. It’s been great to see him having some quality time with the kids. The other day they were both crawling on him on the couch, and I walked into the room with the camera. He said to me, “This is my dream..to be covered with my children” Implying a few more could actually cover him totally. Dave has also put on 10 pounds...and after our vacation out East and dessert everynight... he’s got a bit of love going on around the mid-section. It’s pretty awesome. He is quite proud of this ability to finally pack on a bit of weight. I imagine it will all come off with the busyness and stress of a new school year.

Is potty trained! Well.. sort of. He is 100% good in our house during the day, but is still wearing a diaper at naps and through the night. He has also had no accidents during the trips we’ve taken outside, and in the car. They have only been 1-2 hour long segments, though. He is talking up a storm and can repeat just about anything you ask him to say. He also is coming up with good questions to ask us. He ran into the kitchen this morning and asked, “where daddy is?” He is putting so much of the world all together, and I am just loving this stage! Janna was yelling today and whining a bit, and Jesse looked at me and said, “Janna screaming. Janna have nap. Have Sleep. ” I think that 18-24 months was harder as far as discipline and terrible 2’s go. I might just be blinded, though, by all the help I had all summer with the kids. Anyways, the little guy still melts my heart with his cute little ways, and sensitive soul. We had a date on the couch after Janna went to bed. I put on his favourite show and let him have a pogo for the first time, and told him we were having a “pogo date.” And that only Jesse and Mommy could have pogo dates because daddy was allergic and Janna was too little. He was pretty excited about it. “Jesse. Mommy has Pogo Date. No daddy. No Janna.”

Speaking of the Miss. She can YELL!!! Yowzers. I call her my 50% sweet 50% feisty girl. It’s so funny. She rarely cries or fusses. She is usually pretty content doing whatever, and just ADORES watching Jesse doing all his playing and silliness. But, when she wants something, or is not happy, she just YELLS! Her little fists ball up and she shakes with rage while she just hollers at the top of her lungs. It’s not a scream or a cry, just an angry wail. “AHHHHHHH” She does this when we don’t feed her fast enough, or she has decided she’s had enough in her jumper, or we take away something she shouldn’t be chewing on. The little one can get anywhere she wants now with a pretty fast army crawl, and I really need to do a bit of baby proofing. Jesse was not one to put anything in his mouth or explore sockets, and he couldn’t even crawl till he was like 13 months. So, I didn’t have too much to worry about. This little girl is gonna be a busy one. But, she’s happy. SO, I’m happy. We had her 6 month shots today, and she was a total champ. She is growing well, even though she is still JUST 14 pounds.

Ahhh...I started back to work the start of July for just one very short shift on Saturday morning. It’s been refreshing to get out of the house and do something different. I really thrive on a strange combination of Routine AND planning new things and having short bursts of change in my life. I’m really excited for the fall. Summer was awesome. Especially our trip out East. We got to see both of our families and had a great visit in the fantastic Fredericton. BUT, I’m ready to get back to some structure. I have set some new goals for myself. One of which is a good work out routine and healthy eating plan. I read a great e-book earlier this summer called “the Diet Solution.” It’s not so much a diet as a lifestyle change with regards to nutrition. I’ve been incorporating this lifestyle slowly over the summer, and I’m feeling really great. Just sort of care free and happy and way less moody. It’s been good for everyone :)

Well, with that I’m off to eat! Thanks for reading. I’m out.