Friday, October 25, 2013

when God sends poop

Frayed. That is how I feel.  I looked up some synonyms and the results were:  worn, tattered, un ravelled.  Those are all good words too.

The week has been rough.  A 48 hour stomach bug crept it’s way into the house starting with Janna last weekend.  Sunday and Monday it wreaked havoc on my poor little sweet Janna.  Monday and Tuesday it came after Jesse.  Tuesday and Wednesday my defenses fell (although, thankfully, not with the same intensity as the kids) and Wednesday and Thursday Robyn joined in the fun.   The POOP!  The cleaning.  The laundry.  The tears.  The night time wakings.  What a stinky and dirty blurrrrr....

There have been a few fortunate things I must comment on.   Firstly, Dave took a half day off as a personal day and surprised me at noon.  I may or may not have called the school and burst into tears???  But, when he asked if he should come home, I said, “no” and meant it.  But, that he did made me feel sooooo loved.  He sent me to bed, and then out of the house for some fresh air while he cleaned and took a turn with the mess.

Secondly, the extra kids I keep, found alternate arrangements of care for the week.  So, I only had my brood to deal with.  One of the families even dropped off a casserole one night to lessen my work load.  How sweet is that?  Also, I had a neighbor take Jesse out for a few hours yesterday on her bus run.  He was happy to get out of the house and meet some new people and get a change in scenery.

That is the hard thing about sick and contagious kids.  Nobody wants to come near you.  Understandably.  And getting out of the house is, likewise, not the fairest to the world.  And, with this stomach bug, we really needed to be NEAR a bath and toilet at all times.   It got a bit lonely. Especially since Dave was away.   That was the main unfortunate thing,  Dave was away for 3 days on a teaching conference.  So, I really was bound to the house, with the full work load pressing hard and heavy.  And missing my partner in crime.  No- I could never call Dave a criminal.   My partner in love :)

The second of the unfortunates is that my house is FREEZING!  We called the townhouse people earlier in the week when we didn’t suspect the furnace was doing it’s job.   They came and inspected it, and replaced the filter.   After that, we felt more air pumping through the house, but still not warm.  SO COLD in fact, I thought maybe I was getting sick as I couldn't beat the chills. 

Well, today, after having the actual heating people here for most of the afternoon and into the evening, I was happy to have confirmed I’m not crazy or sick.  The furnace, was, just pumping out air: not heat.   After several hours of stomps through the house and banging and in and out and in and out, I was hoping for good news- especially since they totally wrecked my freshly mopped and sanitized floors.   Bad news.  The universal switch won’t work on the model of furnace we have.  They can’t get the part until Monday morning.  So.... a cold house for another few days.  Oh well.  We’ll save a few dollars on heating costs, right?  I’m digging deep here to be positive!

But!  Tomorrow, is a new day.  The kids all made it through the day with solid poos and happy tummies.  Robyn is a teething machine, currently, and so was a bit wrecked.   But, we have a full family back in the house tomorrow, plans to be made, cabin fever to beat, and HOPE.

Thanks so much for reading.  I’m out. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Octover (That is how Jesse pronounces it)

It’s the middle of the month, and so it seems appropriate to squeeze in a few minutes before bed time to crank out a quick blog.  I have an extra 4 kids joining my crew for the rest of the week, and so I doubt there will be much time or energy after those days!  A colleague of Dave needed child care for his 3 kids whose normal provider is on vacation.  So, I thought to myself, 7 kids in the will be crazy...but it could be fun... and it will help buy some Christmas presents!  I’ll do it.

Anyways, I am getting ahead of myself here.  October has been beautiful in Ottawa!  It’s been sunny and up in the high teens most days, and we’ve barely had any rain.  The kidlets and I have been spending as much time outside as possible.  Usually we do a morning walk and long play at the park, and then back out to the front yard to play after naps and snack in the afternoon.  I can’t believe in just a months time it could be TOO cold to play outside... 

We enjoyed a week long visit from Nana Vance, as well, and she was a great listening ear for Jesse who was her shadow all week.  He would literally follow her around wanting to help her with every single thing she did.  It became their routine for him to help her make her breakfast every morning.  He only burned his hand on the frying pan twice!  Then they would sit and he would color while she ate and then she’d join him for a picture.  Quite cute.  Sharon did my laundry while she was here, and she took one of the kids out of the house each morning, which was nice for the kids to get some one on one time with their Nana, and a bit off my load.   The nicest thing, was that she cooked a huge supper on the weekend, plus ordered pizza, PLUS had Rob bring up a lasagna as he drove in for the weekend to say hi and fix some things on Katie’s car.  So, we had leftovers for 4 nights after they left.    

We had a pretty good thanksgiving weekend.  It was a bit busy.  IT started off on Saturday morning with a 7 am grocery shopping trip while Dave watched the kids, followed by some house cleaning.  Dave was playing guitar for church which takes up some extra time with practicing on Saturday, and then my brother, his wife and 3 month old ADORABLE niece, Parker, came up for a visit and supper.  Our Sunday started with Sunday school, church, followed by naps, and then we hit up the Darrin, Leah, Cameron and Abby crew for dinner on Sunday.  It’s always great to see this family, as I nannied for them the first year I lived in Ottawa.  Their kids, then 3 and 5, are now 9 and 11!  They whisked Jesse and Janna down to the playroom and entertained them for most of the night while Dave and I actually got to have some grown up conversation while bobbing around an overtired Robyn.

Monday, I decided to cook my own turkey and ham feast, mostly because I wanted leftovers all week. I had gotten a taste of that the previous week with Sharon, and I must say it was INCREDIBLE not to have that task looming at 5 on week nights.  We had previously agreed that Dave would spend the morning marking, and the afternoon was slotted out to do our annual hike at the jack pine trail.  So, I tackled the whole meal WHILE watching all 3 kids, and had it on the table for 1pm.  It was quite the feat, and my list of when to start each component was what saved me!  Plus, some pretty great kids!   They did very well at entertaining themselves and playing with one another for most of the morning so I could work away in the kitchen.   Lunch was great, and all the leftovers filled my heart with joy as I filled up the fridge..

We met up with some friends at the jack pine trail after naps.  This is our 4th year going there on the thanksgiving weekend.  It’s just the nicest little trail for a short hike for kids.  Colorful leaves on huge trunks, a little boardwalk over a marsh with ducks, and several birds waiting to eat right off your hands.  It’s beautiful, and one of my favorite little places tucked in  just a 5 minute drive from our house.  Each year, the trip has ended with somebody sobbing.  The first one was Jesse I think, the next one Janna, the next one BOTH o f them.  I remember trying to get to the exit last year and being 8 months pregnant with Robyn, having contractions, while Dave carried a sobbing Jesse and Janna out.  Our friends asked us, “ And so WHY do you like coming here every year?”  Anyways, it’s all just part of the fun now, and we fully anticipated somebody falling or getting tired by the end, and the question to be asked was simply, WHO?

Well, I was totally shocked.  Robyn is by far the most easy going and chill of my kids.  Hands down.  But, she was THE one!  The crying, fussing, pooping, get-me-outta-here one.  At one point we changed her bottom on the forest floor to see if it would help.  Nope.  I even hiked while nursing her for a while to see if it would help.  Nope.  She was just not having it.   Oh well, it was fun all the same, and I love watching the changes in the kids each year.  Jesse was climbing things this year, and Janna insisted on getting right in there and exploring TeePees and hopping off every rock we passed. 

Robyn has not been napping in the afternoons all week.  She has been doing her morning nap, fine, but just not sleeping during the afternoons.  I’m not sure what is up with that, but she is much too young to be morphing from the 2 to 1 nap... so I’ll just keep trying.  She has been a bit grouchier than usual, on account of that, but that doesn’t say too much.  She’s still QUITE pleasant.  She also, has been standing up without any help here and there over the weekend, and so who knows when she'll be walking!  Dave thinks in a month.  I hope NOT, and am hoping she holds off for at least a few more. 

Anyways, that is all for now.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of this stunning yet cozy month.  I have Halloween costumes to get cracking on, and that is the next BIG and exciting thing Jesse is all geared up for.  Actually, he has been geared up since LAST Halloween and has spoken about it all year long.  So, I hope it’s not a disappointment!  He has chosen a clown costume, and so that should be cute and fun.  Thanks for reading. I’m out!
