We've had to be a little bit creative and try to find cheap activities since my EI has run out but I'm still only working Part time. We've done lots of swimming at the beach, pools, friends' places. Lots of park time, walks, checkin' out some local trails. Plenty of afternoon drives accompanied with iced coffee's on those "feels like 43 with the humidity" days. We have also hit up downtown a bunch this summer. Jesse loves going on the bus- so we've explored a few things down there.
We had a decent Canada day this year and started by heading downtown on the bus first thing in the morning. The plan was to catch the musical ride at 10:30. We ended up arriving by 11, and missing it. We wandered around in the thick of the crowd along parliament and enjoyed feeling festive and patriotic with everyone else. A concert and visit from the queen was scheduled for noon, but at that point J Bear was getting tired and hungry and so we decided to head back home. SO we didn't really get to attend any activity...but there was lots happenin' in the streets. People juggling fire, doing acrobatics... that sort of thing. Oh babies. How they dictate life. We had a bunch of ABuers who were all visiting Ottawa for Canada day over for supper, and Dave headed back downtown with them for a the fireworks and a real Ottawa experience- schwarma. I hung out at home with Jesse who was miserable and rashy and had been dealing with high fever on and off through the week.
His rash and fever have since passed and we were relieved to get our happy silly baby back. Only to have him discover the power of the temper tantrum a week later. Ugh... When Jesse doesn't get his way lately he will bang his head into the floor, or if you pick him up- he will bang his head into you and proceed to bite. Oh! And if you're lucky- slap you in the face while kicking his legs. OH MY. I had a bit of a melt down the other day thinking I had failed as a parent if my kid was behaving this way at such a young age..... Only to have other people encourage me that they had similar issues between 1 and 2 and it all passes. I just have to keep reminding myself of this on bad days. I Picture him as a 3 year old who can verbalize his feelings without the need to give me a black eye in the process. But, this behavior isn't constant. He's a pretty loveable and cute little monkey all the same. He is a speed crawler and cruiser at this point. He hasn't had any desire to walk without holding onto anything yet- I'm sure that will come late- just like his desire to move off his butt, did. He is also getting more baby words into the little vocab of his. He will say Ba for bath. Daw for Dog. and Ticka Ticka for Tickle Tickle. It's just so stinking cute. He will point your nose (and sometimes mouth) if you ask him where it is, and still loves to play peek a boo.
Speaking of 3 year olds, I've really enjoyed being back at work. I'm working with 3-7 year olds this summer, and it's a nice change to be able to talk and joke and with them. And not wipe bums, boogers, or spit up. Dave has been doing a great job keeping Jesse happy while I'm at work. We've actually started another summer tradition I like to call Freedom Wednesdays. Basically, we alternate having Wednesday OFF from everything. Last Wednesday, Dave went and played video games ALL day long with a friend while I watched Jesse. It was nice to have the kid to myself for a day, and we very much appreciated Daddy when he got back. Today was my freedom day and I got my hair done, spent a gift certificate I'd had since Christmas, then chilled on the beach reading a book all afternoon. It was just marvelous. We both crave time to ourselves and so this is good idea for us. Cause it's just NOT possible in the school year. Dave is SUPER busy every day- and that means I have Jesse every day.
We head back to Fredericton for our official vacation this Monday. We're really looking forward to seeing all the fam, and taking in some maritime goodness, like the Ocean! Also, crossing our fingers for some free babysitting here and there so Dave and I can have some time together. Most of our Ottawa friends with kids have family in the area, and getting childcare on short notice or here and there is no problemo. It's definitely a challenge for us to get out of the house by ourselves without the kiddo. Although, we feel lucky he goes down to bed so easily at 7 and we have the evenings to ourselves. That is a super huge plus. We found a few card/board game we are addicted to called Dominion. It's one of those German best sellers like Settlers. We've been staying up way too late duking it out the past few weeks.
Anyways, I think I've rambled enough. I've been watching Glee online, and I've got one episode to go. Dave is at man group tonight, and so I'm going to take advantage of the quiet house to blare my show :) Thanks for reading. I'm off :)
Of course you'll have some free babysitting! I was also wondering about the weekend of the wedding....