Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Labor and Life Since

Happy February Everyone! It's been 2 weeks since baby Janna entered my world, and so I guess I have lots I could ramble about.

I'll start with my "labor story." I'll keep it short.
On January 25th around 7 pm, Dave and I were home and we were marking exams together. I had decided on the weekend that I would put baby delivery on the back burner because it was just terrible timing for Dave. He had exams to mark, and report cards to complete, and a whole new semester to get ready for. I wanted her to wait one more week so he could get himself settled. Well... wouldn't you know it... as I'm sitting marking multiple choice... I start having crampy contractions. I ignored them for a good 2 hours, then decided I should start timing them. Sure enough, they were 5 minutes apart and the intensity seemed to get a bit more with each one. Katie got home from youth group, and was so funny. She was so stressed out for me, even though Dave and I were totally chilled. He continued to mark, I puttered around the living room, and she tried to watch TV to distract herself from my bouts of paint. She kept telling me I should go to the hospital because she didn't want to have to deliver my baby! I didn't want to go in and be sent home... or have to labor through the night.... But, by midnight, Dave had joined her plea, so we headed into the hospital. By the time we found parking and got registered, and got hooked up to the monitors and had a doc examination it was 2 am, and I was only 2 cm dilated. They told me I could go home, or walk the halls for a few hours and come back. Ugh. I was so discouraged. We decided to walk, and it was really quite torturous. We were both exhausted, and my contractions started coming like 2 minutes apart and fierce! They told me to come back if my "state changed," which it definitely did, but I was determined to be far enough along that they would admit me. At this point I was just ready to get the show on the road. When we returned around 4 am I was 4 cms dilated, and they had one room left. Thank God. I labored naturally until about 7 am and 8 cm. Oh my..... I really did forget how freakishly and undescribabley painful contractions are. With the pushing part imminent, I ordered an epi, and how marvelous that was! A little over an hour later, and with 5 minutes of intense pushing, little Janna entered the world! I cried. I even think I saw a nursing student who was watching tear up a little. She was so perfect, and little! At 5 pounds 6 oz, she was just like a little doll.

We came home the next afternoon, as I was missing Jesse, who was sick with something, and I was ready for my own bed and space. Jesse was excited for "baby nana," and mommy to be home. It was a great feeling to be home with our little family of 4.

The past few weeks have been tiring, but good. Jesse had a brutal double ear infection, so was a miserable, miserable kid for the first week. Luckily, Janna slept like a baby, ate like a pro, and didn't say boo for that week. So, my sanity remained intact. Thanks in large to my mom-in-law being here to help out. After a switch of anti-biotics, Jesse is doing better, and in good timing, seeing as how I'm flying solo with the kids. Sharon left this morning :(

Jesse is adjusting to Janna, and has come a long way in 2 weeks. The first few days he would have a melt down every time I picked up Janna. Now, he'll sit by us on the couch and pat her head and snuggle up to me happily. Janna continues to be very easy going and sweet. She is up to 6 pounds and is wiggly and adorable! I love watching Dave interact with her. He is so much gentler and "goo-goo, ga-ga" than he was/is with his boy.

well, thanks for reading everyone. Wish me luck as I deal with these 2 incredibly needy darlings! I'm off.


  1. It certainly is quiet here this morning after being used to Jesse's TV channel and hokey pokey music! Have a great day!

  2. Soooo Happy for you!!! Yay!

    I love that you are getting along so well with 2 kiddos! And especially that the feeding is going well. That is encouraging. :)

    You're a wonderful mommy of 2 now. :)Congratulations! Enjoy your lovely little blessings!
