My baby girl is 4 months old! I can’t believe it. At a whopping 12 pounds (almost), she continues to be a delightful breeze. Because she is so easy going, I find myself going pretty slack when it comes to her schedule and napping and she just sort of goes with the flow. However, I know that routine is the best things for kids and babies. And when babies are happy, mama is happy. And when mama is happy, the house is happy. So I’ve come up with some new goals. With summer around the corner, I think it’s important to set some new goals for the family before I melt into a puddle of laziness with having Dave around to help. So, here are a few of the things I’ve been gearing up to put into action this week.
1. JANNA: I will wake her up at 7 everyday, and respect her napping hours 9-10ish and 12-3ish.
2. JESSE: When Janna goes down for her morning, nap I will get on his level and do some real quality fun play time before getting my other things done.
3. FAMILY: At 4:30 everyday is quiet time. Jesse and Janna can play quietly in their rooms, and Dave and I will breathe and relax for 15 minutes before getting the mad rush of supper, baths and bed on the go.
4. MARRIAGE: 9:30 is tea for two. Dave and I have set this time to bond through reading, talking, praying, laughing, whatever.
5. DAVE: I will make a loaf of gluten free bread everyweek, and try a gf dessert every other weekend
6. KATIE. I will cheer on in all her endeavors!
7. COOPER . I will cuddle him for at least 5 minutes everyday
8. ME. 3 days per week I will run after the kids go to bed. I will only allow myself to binge on chocolate or any other unhealthy thing one day per week. The other days I will take good care to put healthy and moderate amounts of food into my body J
I know I won’t be able to do all of these perfectly all the time. Exceptions are made for summer time, oh yeah.... But, here’s hoping. Keep me accountable, folks. Thanks for reading, I’m out.
Sounds good! Reasonable goals. Impressed with the running!
ReplyDeleteThe chickpea brownie cake is a quick and easy GF dessert, served with ice cream, no icing. And full of fiber. What more can you want from a dessert!?!