Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November is over?!

It’s the last day of November. The only reason I know this is because I’ve been counting down the days till I get Dave’s handsome smooth face back in my life. While the stache is kinda manly and all, I’m looking forward to seeing it go.

I’ve failed pretty epically in my blogging commitment over the month. I’m not sure why, really. It feels like one of those months that passed by quickly- but in a blur of slow days. Dave had report cards due middle of the month and parent teacher interview, and lots of after hours stuff going on. So, all the extra time with the kids without help was certainly kind of draining. I was also stuck without a car most days, and with lots of rainy and cold weather, we spent a lot of time in and around the house. I also started scrap booking again (first time since high school), and I’ve spent quite a few evening trying to do a 2011 scrapbook. I would like to finish it before the new year.

I’m back in the swing of things now, and we’re back to playdates, and errands and variety in our days. I find I can handle busy days with the kids if I know Dave will be home at 4:30 to take over the kiddies. He usually entertains them while I make dinner, then does their bath and some playtime before bed, while I clean up. It works well.

Kids are doing well. Jesse is into saying very 2 year old classic phrases, “ I DON’T like IT! I don’t WANT it! Not that way, THIS Way! MY TRUCK! My Ipad! My My My.....” At the same time, he says the cutest things like “Poor Mommy, You ok?” and “ I love Janna, She so cute. Silly Janna ” Janna is into eating mostly real food now-not a whole lot of pureed stuff anyone. She and Jesse could not be MORE different in so many ways, and food is no exception. She will eat all her vegetables first, followed by beans, fruit, grains. She might try some meat, and she has ZERO interest in cheese. Jesse is my dairy and meat man. Janna loves the bath tub and she crawls around on her tummy dunking her face, spinning around, screaming and kicking and splashing. They have their bath together and Jesse sits in the tub squished at one end looking terrified and hollers things at her like,” TOO LOUD!” and, “NO JANNA!,” when she gets too excited and comes near him. Janna remains a pretty independent little munchkin. She likes to explore all the nooks and crannies of the main floor, as well as looking at pictures in books, and playing with puzzle pieces. She has started chatting/babbling a lot more this month, and will occasionally wave hi for you. Mostly she will just grin and do her own thing. She is near impossible to change or cuddle as she always wants to be on her stomach army crawling around the world. Jesse needs kisses and hugs about every 30 minutes of the day. Janna only gives me love like that at her bed time after nursing if she is totally exhausted. Those nights I get some snuggles and a big FULL on mouth kiss. I love how different they are. It adds some nice spice to my life.

We kicked off the holiday season on Sunday by putting up our tree. Jesse was very excited about it all, and keeps asking me if he can climb it. He hasn’t full on tried yet- but I have a feeling he might before it’s time to take it down! I’ve started my Christmas shopping as well. We are doing a super low key Christmas as far as gift purchases go. Just one small gift for each family member. It’s been way less stressful, and also fun to try and think of the ONE thing they would like the most. Mostly, I’m pumped for the trip back East to see all our family. Everyone (uncle Jesse aside) will be home for the holidays.

“Tis all for now. Just wanted to let you know I hadn’t forgotten about this blogging thing. I will leave you of a picture of the babies on this last day of November, 2011. Thanks for reading. I'm out.

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