Friday, November 23, 2012

Another Friday come and gone....

Friday is here and the week has flown by in a mostly happy and tired haze.
Grandpere left on Monday, and Jesse wasn’t too happy about that.  It was so lovely to have my dad here, and the kids simply adored having a “big guy” to cuddle up and read with for a few days.  Dad came to church with us and play class, and Jesse kept saying to people, “see this BIG guy? That’s grandpere.”  He even told one random person that big grandpere protects him from the bad guys.  Here are the kids saying bye (obviously not too happy about grandpere taking off)   

I had a few days of flying solo with the kids until Nana Vance arrived in town.  It was really quite easy, as Robyn is still just in that sleepy newborn stage.  Not any real fussing.... just nursing, sleeping, poopin’.....  Luckily she has her nights and days semi-normal so far.  She’s awake for these little hour long spurts 3 or 4 times during the day, and at nights she has been giving me 4 hour stretches of sleep...with very quick and brief feeds in between.  This is my little angel and me at 6 am this morning.  Coffee, a beautiful baby, and my bible.  Good trio. 

Nana arrived on Wednesday night, and we all stayed up a little late watching some TV and catching up.  Of course, this was the night where Janna was up for over an hour having serious issues!  She had a massive blowout and was just wailing, and then needed a bath, and then got hyper at 3 am during the bath, and took a while to settle.  And then Jesse was up bright and early and chatty for the day.  Although we left ear plugs in Sharon’s room (which is right beside Jesse and Janna’s) the chaos was 
too loud to ignore, and so we were all a little tired yesterday.

The kids are very happy to have Nana around.  Especially Jesse, who seems to have a special little bond with her.  Today everyone had more energy after a better night sleep... and we’ve just been taking it easy around the house, getting our fresh air in the front or backyard each day, and enjoying visitors here and there.  I am really trying to relax as much as possible before I’m solo for real on Wednesday!  It’s hard though, when you are used to GO GO GO-ing.  

Speaking of GO GO Going Dave has had a busy week back at work.  And on much less quality sleep, I have been feeling so bad that he has to be coherent and deal with teenagers all week.  I try and show my sympathy through food usually....Gluten- free brownies were made yesterday, and home-made guacamole todayJ  Here he is, on his way out the door this morning for “retro-day” at school.  Creepy, I know!

Well, I’m so happy it’s the weekend, and we’ll have some time with Dave.  I also hope to get a picture of our little family of 5 at some point!  We’ll see, stay tuned for that possibility. Anyways, just a short post to let everyone know we are alive and well.   Thanks so much for reading. I’m out!

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