Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dave's 29th birthday!

Dave turned 29 yesterday!  I wanted to blog about this ...yesterday...but fell into bed an exhausted lump of mush brain at 9:30.  I wish I could tell you it was because we partied hard, but really, all we did was put up a few decorations, make some cake and cards, and order pizza.  It’s these little children that are draining me!  LOL.

Dave is in CRUNCH mode with the end of the semester and exams coming up.  He did not get his planned amount of work done over the break, and so I am playing single mom everyday this week aside from the 5-6 hour at supper which he spends with us.  Then, he locks himself away in our bedroom and marks till midnight.  Poor guy.   But- it needs to get done, and so I’ve been doing the bedtime hour(s) with the kids by myself, then catching up on housework afterwards.  It’ s been a long week for the both of us.......

Anyways, yesterday went pretty well.  I got up real early to make Dave and I Gluten free B.E.L.T Bagels, fresh smoothies and coffee to enjoy sans children.  Well, of course Robyn woke up and joined us, but we had a wee chance to talk and chill before the day started.  That was a good thing, because Janna decided to be a total mess all day.  She needed mommy to be holding every second.  And if I wasn’t, she would SCREAM and SHAKE and grab for me like a crazed toddler.  When I was nursing Robyn she would just sit and hug my leg and moan, “mama.”  I don’t know if she’s ever been so clingy. I’m not sure what the issue is.  She has had some weird bowel action over the past couple of days, and is petrified of the blender which was out on the counter at the start of the day.  But- I really don’t know what’s going on.   So, I tried to be there for her, but the morning was long, and I ended up taking nap time trying to catch up on the most basic housework , then grabbed Jesse out of his quiet time to  get ready for daddy’s party before “needy Janna” woke up.

Jesse was SO excited it was Dave’s birthday.   We had discussed the idea the day before, and Jesse was so cute when he insisted that Dave would love a Broccoli cake for his birthday. When I asked Jesse if   he-himself- would prefer a broccoli cake with broccoli icing, he replied “No- I just like a sugar cake with chocolate icing.  But daddy would LOVE a broccoli cake!!!”  I thought it was so cute that Jesse wanted to make him a cake out of something Dave liked and he didn’t.  Now- for the record- Dave doesn’t really LOVE broccoli that much, we just have been ooing and ahhing over vegetables lately to try and convince Jesse they are yummy to eat.  Broccoli was a more recent one, AND the other day when I asked Dave what he wanted for supper that night, he asked for steak with broccoli salad.  So....that was fresh on Jesse’s mind perhaps. 

Well,  I got Jesse up and we worked on the cake together.  I told Jesse I only had a chocolate cake, and he agreed that Dave would enjoy that- but we needed broccoli icing.  Luckily, I had just enough green food coloring to die the icing.  I let Jesse decorate the top all on his own, and I don’t know if a cake has ever been adorned in so many sprinkles.  In fact, when Dave blew out the candles later, sprinkles flew everywhere.  After our gorgeous cake was made, we put up streamers and balloons, took out party hats and blowers.  The girls woke up and we put on some pumpin’ hokey pokey while I alternated snuggling with girls while we waited for daddy. 

Well, the pizza delivery guy came first, and Jesse RAN to the door with the longest run on sentence I ever did hear, It went something like this,  “Hi pizza man, It’s daddy’s birthday today, did you know that, and i helped mommy all day and was such a good listener to her and  we made broccoli cake with broccoli icing and put on music, and have decorations, and have presents, and I’m so happy, and I’m so happy you came pizza man.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU PIZZA MAN!(while jumping up and down)”  This old Italian guy with a twinkle in his eye grinned and said, “anytime, you just give me a call and I come.”  HA HA HA...made me laugh.   Dave received a similar POUNCING on when he arrived home, and it was all any of us could do to get a word in.  I think birthday parties must be the BEST event in a three year olds world.  Pizza-cake-presents...what could be more satisfying?    We all sat down for yummy food, and a very enthusiastic rendition of happy birthday.  Jesse sang it again to Dave while I was cutting the cake, and then proceeded to tell Dave what  his present was before he had a change to open it.  Anyways, 6 came too quickly, and once again school robbed Dave of a birthday night off!

Dave has always said his birthday comes at the worst time of the year.  It’s when everyone is gloomy from having to go back to school after the glow of Christmas holidays.  And now- as a teacher- it’s probably at the busiest time of the year!  Marking to finish, exams to prep and mark, and report cards to get out.   So, I got the kids all down by 8, and everything cleaned up (Holy sprinkles on the floor!) and I even tackled cleaning under my couch which I have not done in a few weeks.  Dave marked until I climbed into bed at 9:30, and then said he was going to go pick up some bus tickets, and maybe grab a coffee from Tims.  Well, I woke up at 1:30am feeling panicked that Dave wasn’t beside me.  I looked out my window and the van was still gone.  I immediately jumped to the worst of conclusions thinking he was dead before 30 in a terrible car accident.  I don’t know why my mind does this at night, but it does.  I heard Katie poking around downstairs, and tearfully went to ask her to message Dave.  Dave doesn’t have a cell phone, but he does have an Ipad that Katie’s Iphone can message.  Anyways- he was fine! He was at Tim’s trying to get ONE more essay marked and would be home soon.  I felt so sad as he climbed into bed shortly after 2 am with his alarm set for 4 hours later.   What a way to spend your birthday.... and I felt stressed out about how wiped he would be for the next day.  

But- I would just like to comment that Dave is a very hardworking and committed guy, and that is something that I love about him.  Rarely does he complain about a thing!  I realized yesterday, that I have known Dave for almost 10 years! We met when he was just 19 years old!  And he is now 29!!  As I think of everything Dave has done in 10 years, it’s pretty crazy.  He has completed a BA,an MA and his Bed.  He has moved from his home of PEI, to Moncton, and thenon to Ottawa.  He has gotten married, produced 3 stunning children, and locked himself into a stable teaching career.  More importantly, though, are the things that made me fall in love with him, have only grown bigger over the years- his integrity, hardworking spirit, goofiness, and kindness.   And can I just say- men AGE well! He is twice as good-lookin’ as when we first met J   I feel so incredibly blessed and thankful that I get to journey through life with this guy through the good/bad and ugly. 

Well, I could really nanner on and on about all the reasons that Dave is one of the greatest guys in the universe...but those of you who know him well- just know!  AND it’s been another LOOOONG day with the Janners.  So for now, HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY DAVE!  I love you!  Thanks for reading. I’m out!