Monday, May 30, 2011

What is a calorie??

After a week of being sick and having a sick Jesse, and then a week and a bit of miserable weather, I am excited for a week of hot and sunny days ! My double stroller just hasn't got enough use because of the all the icky rain, and walking was going to be a key component in shedding a few pounds of baby flub.

When I had Jesse, I lost all my weight and then some within 2 weeks of being home. I didn't have to do a thing! But, with Janna, even thought I put on less weight, I have this pesky 10 pounds that needs some help leaving. I don't have time or money to hit the gym, so doing some power walking with the kids a few times a week, and a few days of Gillian Michaels DVD was the plan. However, this has not happened. I just have NO desire to exercise. So, I changed my plan.

First, I pulled out Dance Dance revolution last week, and set it up. It is so much fun, and doesn't feel like work, even though you are sweating after 10 minutes and your legs are going numb. And...I figure the time has come in my life where I should watch what I eat. Just a tiny little bit. I love food too much to obsess over it.

Growing up, I was pretty thin, and could eat whatever the heck I wanted. I never counted a calorie or went on a diet in my entire life! So....feeling totally clueless, I checked out a whole bunch of things on the good old WWW. I found this neat program that takes into account a million things and then gives you a NUMBER of how many calories your body needs to sustain your lifestyle...and how many to eat if you wanna lose one pound per week. So, I tried for a few days keeping a food journal and calorie counting just to see if I generally overeat or whatnot...

Man! I have never looked into how many calories things have. EVER. Like, I had to research if Water has calories I was that pathetic and clueless. Apparently it does not. Anyways, it was kind of fun checking everything out, but I was so sad to discover a few things. Peanut Butter has 100 calories per TBSP!!! Cheese has 100 calories for a fairly small cube!!! and my beloved chocolate and milk....I don't even wanna talk about it.....sigh... The moral of the story is that I eat too much chocolate everyday. If I just cut out a few fudgeos, and cut back on the cup of PB I put on my sandwhich I should be able to shake this no problemo with a few nights of DDR per week.

So, my goal is to be flub free by August. Do you think I can do it? For those of you who know how much I love chocolate, do you think I can do it? I think I really need to keep chocolate out of the house... cause I don't think 2 fudgeos a day will cut it when I'm used to 6, ya know? he he he... we'll see. Well, my darling boy needs some attention, and my angel Janna who is still sleeping at 8:30 AM, should get up for the day. So, I must be off. Thanks for reading :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. A glimpse at the past 4 years

I can’t believe 4 years have passed since Dave and I were married on that sunny and cool May-day in Hartland, New Brunswick. After a sleepless night, I woke up at 6 am and took a stroll/jog around the B and B where me and all my girlfriends were staying to try and shake my nerves. The rest of the day flew by in a sort of beautiful haze. I attribute it to a combination of all the positive emotion, lack of sleep and tight dress. Totally happy and in love, Dave and I took off in our little red sunfire for our relaxed honeymoon in Old Quebec then onto Ottawa where we had our apartment and lives waiting. OLD QUEBEC


I remember lots of advice coming my way prior to marriage. Some claiming the first year would be the hardest, others saying it was the best. In my experience, it was both fun and challenging. We were broke and happy and trying to learn to live with each other with all of our expectations. Lots of laughs, some tears. I remember Dave and I trying to manage our tendencies to do weird things in our sleep. I had the habit of bolting upright in bed with a deranged glare that scared Dave. I would usually yell at him and insist I was awake. Dave likes to talk in his sleep, and the things he says crack me up. He still does it, and often speaks in other languages of which I’m not familiar. I usually sit up and watch him and ask him some questions for a further laugh. If I’m grouchy that I’ve been awoken, I’ll tell him he’s making no sense and to be quiet and go to sleep!


4 years of marriage. Not a whole lot in comparison to many, but lots of stuff happening in those 4 years!
The first 2 years of our marriage Dave was still in school full time. The first year he was finishing his masters and thesis, and the second was off to teachers college. I worked full time days as a Nanny the first year, then teaching preschool the second. He also had a part time job, but worked opposite of me, mostly nights and weekends as a custodian at our church. We really didn’t see each other a whole lot! Our house mate, Eric, who rented a bedroom in our apartment the second year, would often comment that he saw each of us way more than we saw each other. It was true. That caused some teary moments from my end, as my vision of marriage not quite lining up, and feeling lonely some days. On top of this, we were surprised to find out I was pregnant about a year into marriage, and although totally pumped, I remember wondering if our little Jesse would ever see his dad! But, like many things, it was a busy and necessary stage that taught us to make the most of the time we did end up getting together.

Dave’s hard work paid off, and he secured a permanent teaching contract at a private Christian school before he even graduated from teachers college. It was an absolute answer to prayer with a baby on the way! June 19, we expanded our little Vance riding with the birth of our gorgeous little boy, Jesse David Vance. I found having a first -child to be a huge challenge in numerous ways. In regards to marriage trying to figure out new roles while sleep deprived and on edge certainly can make you or break you. At the same time, I sort of fell in love with Dave again seeing him as a dad being cuddly and sweet and competent with our baby.

Year 3 was a BUSY one. Dave’s first year of teaching all new courses required so much prep work and he was often stressed as he was trying to figure out what sort of teacher he was and wanted to be. I was adjusting to the role of being at home with a very demanding and emotional little baby, and was also tired and stressed. But, we made time to connect and get out thanks to great friends who gave us a break here and there. We certainly miss having family in the area, and go through little stages of “lets move back East,” but we’re so thankful for a fantastic church family, and some close friendships that have really made our Ottawa adventure beautiful! We were amazed when we moved out of our little apartment last year how many people showed up to help us move!
Last summer, we finally had a bit of a vacation, the first ever together. Dave had the summer off for school break, of course, and I was still on my mat leave. It was the first feeling of normal and we had a lot of fun with Jesse and took turns sleeping in everyday!


This year has been really great. Year 4. I would say the best so far. Dave is doing such a great job at school, and managing his time. I went back to work for just a few months part- time before taking another mat leave and bringing another gorgeous baby into the world in January. Janna Grace Vance has been a total joy to the family, and Dave and I are just so in love with her. Although the days are busy, we’ve fallen into a great rhythm for getting things done and helping each other where the other one needs it. I read a devotional called “the Love Dare” earlier this year, where I was challenged to secretly do something for my spouse everyday for 40 days. Ultimately, the book switched focus and challenged and strengthened my relationship with God. Which when in line, translates into a love that is not possible in my own strength. Marriage is hard! Marriage is also awesome! To continually go deeper with one person who knows you best and loves you for it, while building so many memories is beyond special.


Tonight Dave and I are going out for all you can eat at Tuckers down town . I can’t wait. To stuff my belly without kids rushing my meal or interrupting Dave and I’s conversation is what I want this year  We also have not yet watched the video footage of our wedding ceremony or reception. I can’t believe it. Anyways, love my man, life is good. Thanks for reading. I’m out!

4 years later...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day. I hope all you lovely mama's felt appreciated and loved, and perhaps got a bit of a break from the things you do so well. Both my kids must sense it's a day to be nice to me, because Janna slept for 10 hours straight last night, and then after a super quick feed at 5:30 am, went back to bed for another 3 hours. She also took a 3 hour morning nap, and is back down again now for her afternoon one. Dave got up with Jesse this morning which was beautiful as the little man decided to get up with the birds a bit before 6. I got to sleep in, and finally after a leisurely shower, wandered downstairs to a delicious breakfast and a few thoughtful gifts. I've come down with a sinus infection, I think, and so opted to stay home from church. Dave had to play in the service, so left me with the kids, and they both behaved like little angels. Jesse just played with his trucks and zippers quietly all morning, and Janna is always good. I called my mom to wish her happy mothers day and enjoyed a lil' chit chat.

Last year, I blogged about why my mom is awesome. After having kids you realize how AMAZING parents are for raising us with all our challenging stages. I appreciate my mom, and mom-in-law so much. I came across a few pics of my mom and me when I was super little, and thought I'd share.

This year, I'm thinking about how much of a blessing it is to BE a mom. Although it is exhausting and challenging, no doubt, children truly are a gift from God. So joyful and loving. So curious and inquisitive. So instrumental in making me a better person, as I strive to be selfless and a good example. Jesse is crawling all over me giving me cheek squeezes and kisses as I write this, and I'm reminded that to love and be loved by such tiny bundles of joy, really is a beautiful thing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Where has April gone?!?! It was a busy month for us, that started out with lots of trips to the doctors, paediatricians, and hospital for shots and falls and an ultrasound and blood work, etc. Jesse’s gassy abdomen is being looked into, and we’ve had lots of appointments to rule things out. We have an appointment with a GI specialist in a few months and hopefully we’ll put the celiac question to rest with a scope. Likely we’ll be referred to an allergist, as well. I’m sort of suspecting milk being more of the culprit than wheat.

Anyways, I was totally thrilled to be done of all that poking and prodding and after our streak of appointments and play dates, planned a trip home to the beautiful and friendly east coast for a few weeks. During Jesse’s first year of life, we road tripped home 5 times! Three of them I took by myself, and it really was an easy and enjoyable drive. Babies that little mostly sleep in the car, and when they wake up fussing you drive until they work into a cry and then stop to feed and love them. This time around I had no reservations about Janna, but I was a bit nervous this time around having a toddler, and a passionate one at that, to deal with. So, I sent a shout out to the Facebook moms asking for suggestions to entertain a near 2 year old in the car. I was amazed by the plentiful responses and their degree of difference from one another. I basically took ALL the wealth of ideas and supplies with me on the road. New toys, books, food, DVD player, gravol, ear plugs, etc. I wanted to be prepared!

Initially I was going to drive through the night. And perhaps with another adult travel companion I would have. But knowing I’d need to stop to nurse and pee, I thought it would be safer to be stopping in the day light as opposed to by myself with the kids at random gas stations in the middle of the night. So, I strategically picked noon as our departure time. My hopes were that Jesse would take his normal 12-3 nap while I went through Montreal , then I’d only have like 4 hours to deal with him before his bed time. I could make a bunch of stops as Janna nurses most frequently at those hours, then put them in fresh jammies at 7, they’d fall asleep and I’d drive the rest of the way to Fredericton arriving by midnight. Well, apparently Jesse had other plans, none of which involved sleeping. The toys and food and media only really distracted him the first half of the trip, and the second was filled with an overtired monster whining and screaming and squirming and begging me to let him out of his seat. He acted horribly when we stopped, and even wiggled free from my grip and took a dive in a mud puddle. I finally gave in and gave him some gravol around bed time, which didn’t seem to do a whole, either. He didn’t end up crashing until about 10pm, only a few hours before we reached our destination. It was STRESSFUL.

However, 2 weeks with family quickly made up for it. Jesse stayed overnight with Dave’s parents as they have a big crib and spare room, and Sharon was able to watch him in the mornings giving me a bit of a break before I came to pick him up for the afternoon. Janna and I had a great time at my parents and got in lots of quality time involving snuggling and sleeping in. It was a real treat not to have to cook or clean or do laundry for 2 whole weeks! Mostly, it was nice to catch up with lots of family and some old friends. However, toward the end of my stay, we were all ready to get back into our own space and see Daddy Dave. Ha Ha. I was all nerves the morning of our departure and eager to just get things over with.

The first half of the trip was beautiful. It was a gorgeous day and Jesse quietly watched the TV (which was probably the best distraction for him) and ate snacks. They were so well behaved at pit stops and we had fun hanging out in the front of the car which was equipped with special toys and food and stuff to change bums. I would put Janna in the sling and take Jesse by the hand to walk around the parking lot to get some fresh air and exercise and into a washroom for myself. But about half way through the trip both kids just sort of reached their in car limit and the rest of the drive was horrible. I don’t wish to recall all the details, and I feel like I could write a full novel about our return trip. But, in point form here are a few of my “favourite memories”

Losing my cell phone off the top of my car and watching it smash to pieces then be run over

Jesse’s fingers getting crushed in the car door

Almost being hit, then stalked, by what I think must have been drunk driver

Getting stuck on the side of a highway to deal with a Jesse melt down and having no room to merge into traffic for what seemed like an hour

Baby poop everywhere

The wiggles DVD skipping and having to reach back to try and restart it every 2 minutes or else Jesse would lose it

Not being able to see as we drove through Montreal because of the light in my eyes, both kids wailing/Janna near choking, having to pee, and my legs cramping up

Jesse finally falling asleep with only 2 hours to go in our trip, and Janna waking him up 10 minutes later with gas wails

Anyways, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL TO GET HOME, and I avoided the car for a few days. Dave and Katie had the house looking spotless and Jesse was so overjoyed to see His daddy. He dove from my hold into a big bear hug and just buried his head into Dave and wouldn’t let go for the longest time. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder! We were able to enjoy the long sunny Easter weekend all together, and also got together with some friends and family from Ottawa.

We’ve been laying low the past few weeks , not making a ton of plans. The constant rain and gross weather is sort of getting to me, although I’m thankful for the nice weather that seems to briefly surface on the weekend. We finally got a double stroller and the park is so much more funn with Jesse this year. Last year he wasn’t walking yet in the summer, he actually had just started crawling , and was sort of a frustrated kid. This year he can do so much more, including pushing other kids, which has been a recent thing he does to any kid who reaches into his bubble or touches his, basically. Sigh. He is getting so good with his words though, and just pulls out these random words perfectly. I also adore that he is putting so many new combinations of words together into mini sentences. The other day as I was putting him into the car he was pleading with me, “NO PLEASE, NO PLEASE, PLEASE NO!” Perhaps he is a wee bit scarred from our adventure homeJ Janna is just a delightful little thing, and as easy going as ever. She has settled into just one night time feeding, and then is usually up once more for a quick rock back to sleep. She loves to chatter and smile at whoever gives her a little attention. She is now up to 11 pounds, and has doubled her birth weight! Still kind of petite, but it sort of matches her personality. I am just so HAPPY to have such a healthy and happy girl in the house!

Well, the hubby is going to be through the door any minute, and food will be on his mind! So, I must go and season and cook up some pork chops for supper. Thanks for reading. I will try and be more frequent as far as May posts go. I’m out.