Monday, January 26, 2015

Janna is 4?! What?!

Oh I dunno....
That is the phrase one of my best friends starts with out of the blue when she ‘s had a rough day, or is preparing to share a motherhood-in the trenches- lament.   That is the phrase that came to me as I sit here to blog about the day.

Oh I dunno.... Maybe watching 7 children all day long under the age of 7 was a bit much for the day.  I had one fussy teething baby to soothe, a rebellious toddler to discipline over and over and over again, a 2 year old boy who is potty training, a 3 year old boy who was overtired and not interested in being around people all day, a 4 year old to celebrate, a 5 year old to keep off the roof in the midst of the festivities, and a mature 6 year old to keep entertained in a house of little ones.  Meals, crafts, snacks, games, love, discipline, school work,  clean-up, and getting 7 children settled for naps or quiet times.... I’m pooped.   But it’s worth it.  It is a worthy and wonderful call to mother, and God is teaching me so much during this phase of my life.  This phase so full of daily triumphs and battles.  As I read in a book lately, motherhood is so full of moment to moment transformations day in and out.  Filling hungry bellies, cleaning dirty hands, wiping tear-stained cheeks, washing soiled laundry, tired children to rested ones.... So much work.  So much Joy.  

My little Janna is 4 today!  Four years ago she entered the world around 9 am after the previous night when she interrupted Dave and I in the middle of some marking during the very crunching exam season.  I do believe I was working away at correcting some multiple choice sections of exams, as he tackled the question and essay portions.  Anyways,  I labored through the night and we were all sure she’d be here by 6 am, but then she just kind of chilled until later in the morning until she was ready for her appearance.   I didn’t understand it then, but I know now that she is not a morning person, and 9 am is way more her style than 6 am J

Janna has been very interesting to watch over the years.  She is so different from her sibling, pretty quiet and calm.  She was quite slow to talk, and even then didn’t have so much to say until the past year or so where it feels like she has really come out of her shell and we know her thoughts and ideas more and more each day.

At 4 years old, Janna loves to dress up and enjoys all things beautiful and pink.  Her outfit choices keep us smiling day in and out, and her desire for sparkle, shimmer, and bold patterns seem strangely at odds with her quiet and sweet ways. 

Until 5:30. 

Janna seems to come alive during the supper hour and thereafter.  She will dance and spin and act like a crazy lunatic and giggle with sheer giddiness at things that seemed to bore or annoy her during the daytime.    She loves to spin and roll and flip and frolic during “tea time” which is the time after supper and night chores where Dave and I kick our feet up, drink tea, and watch the kids play.  We all just sort of enjoy each other’s presence for that 30 minutes of the day with no agenda other than to delight in each other’s company over some tea.

Janna always comes over and smells our tea during tea time.  I tend to waffle between mint or green or lemon, and Dave will often do a chai, or some weird fruity herbal one.  She always smells the teas.  She is big into smell.  She loves to smell the pages of the stacks of books she endlessly pores through each day.  She loves to smell the nail polish as I put a fresh (and always pink or purple) coat on her nails for her.  She likes to smell her craft supplies, my hair after a shower, or a new food she is about to try.   She is pretty good with eating just about anything at this point.   She struggles a bit with meat, but she does love her chicken nuggets and fries, which is what she requested for her birthday meal. 

More important than her good appetite, is that we are noticing a real nurturing and empathetic side developing in our little smelling-fashionista these days, that we are very proud of.  Janna is the first one to run to Asher if he is crying and try to soothe him.  She is the first one to jump off her chair and pick up a cookie that Robyn may have dropped before Cooper gets it.   Robyn can be a pretty testy sister, but Janna has started taking her under her wing more and more.  They play their babies together, and Janna will read to Robyn, or simply take her hand and lead her around the house.  Janna has recently started ballet, which she seems to love.  I catch her showing Robyn her positions and certain moves she has been learning, and encouraging Robyn’s rather bold attempts at such graceful moves.   She will often tell Dave and I, “Good JOB!”  for this or that random thing we have done.   

Janna is also developing a real helping spirit. She has not only gotten accustomed to her several morning and nightly chores, but tackles them with a good attitude and often a, “ I love to do my chores, Mommy” Attitude.  She loves to help me in the kitchen, and will eagerly ask what she can to do help get dinner on the table.   Even if it isn’t her favorite task, she tells me she likes to be my helper.  Most days that I tuck her into bed for her nap, I will snuggle in with her for a minute, and she will stroke my face, look into my eyes and say, “ You beautiful mom.”  She is a real encourager.

And sometimes, a mom needs some encouragement in the middle of a wild day, or at the end of one (like today let’s say)  and Janna certainly blesses me with her sweet spirit and genuine words day in and out.   I really look forward to what year 4 holds her and am thrilled to be her mom.  Happy Birthday little lady. We love you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My normal self arrived just in time for Christmas and the New year

Well, I have finished my “fourth trimester” as some women refer to it, and officially feel like my old self again.  The three months following the birth of a baby are filled with sleep deprivation, hormonal surges, emotional outbreaks, and bodily recuperation.  It is really a trying time in itself, and I am pretty happy 2014 has passed, and 2015 is here!

I knew I must be back to my full and former Chrissy when I suggested to Dave on boxing day we pack up the family, drive through the night, and surprise our families back East with a 3 day visit.  You see, it was in our plans LAST YEAR to head home for this Christmas, as it had been 3 since we’d been home.   But, a lot of stuff happened!   We had many unexpected expenses arise, a new baby, and the thought of travelling in storms or with sick kids (as is inevitable in December) was just too much potential stress to deal with. 

So, we had a lovely Christmas here!  The kids were so happy but relaxed, and I had done most of all the baking and cooking the days before, so all I had to do was cook the turkey, ham, and do a gravy the day of.   We didn’t have a ton of presents under the tree.   Between the grandparents, Santa, and us, there were maybe 6 or 7 for each person, and it was nice that way.  We took our time doing one at a time, and it took maybe an hour from start to finish.  The kids spent the afternoon poring over some new books, playing with some new toys, and proudly wearing new shoes and hoodies.  We were able to get in touch with most of our families, and that was nice.   The kids ate dinner happily and we all just really enjoyed each other.

So, boxing day arrived, and there was nothing to do really! The house was clean, the fridge stocked for leftovers for a week, and no real plans on the calendar.  I checked the weather and saw that it was supposed to be mild, dry and sunny for the next week ahead.  Everyone was healthy.  Asher had been sleeping 10 hour nights, which meant we would not have to stop for feeding,   and the gas prices were SO freakin’ LOW!  While I showered I considered the idea and I just felt like we should make the trip since everything that had been deterring us before, was non- existent.  Oh! And we were given cash from a few people for Christmas, which would cover the gas expense.    Dave and I conferenced while I was putting on my make-up,  and by 10 decided we would do it.  He would take the day to do some marking while there wouldn’t be as much time when we were away.  I would pack up the van, and we would leave at supper.  It was a BUSY REST of the day, let me tell you!  It didn’t help that I had 5 loads of laundry backed up.  I managed to pack everything for everyone in just one suitcase.  But then you need the portacribs, booster seats, diapering bags, and I packed up ALL the leftovers from the fridge to take with us.  Somehow, we hit the road at 6:15, grabbed a coffee and were off!

The kids were truly amazing.  We drove 5 hours straight, and then stopped for gas, a pee break, more coffee.  It was just a 15 minute stop, and I woke up Asher from a deep sleep, made him feed a bit in the back seat while we were stopped, and then we hit the road again straight to Fredericton, which is another 5 hours.  We arrived at 6:15am, and snuck up to the back-door of Dave’s parents.  We could see Rob, (Dave’s dad) awake inside just sitting on a big cosy chair while the rest of the house slept.  We knocked on the door, and he eerily looked up, and crept towards it with the most puzzled look on his face.  He slowly opened the door and sort of jumped back and said, “ HI?!”  It was like he was wondering if he was supposed to know we were coming.  Wondering if he had missed a memo.  We sent the kids upstairs who woke Nana up from her sleep.  She was truly surprised!  Dave’s Nannie was upstairs, too, and we had let her in on the secret because we wanted to make sure we got some time to visit with her and Papa before they left later that day.   It was such a fun thing to do!  

The next 3 days were pretty relaxing.  We spent supper, evenings, night, and breakfast time at my mom’s place, and then would head over to the Vances for the later morning, lunch, and afternoon.   The kids really enjoyed the change of pace, as did Dave and I.  It was a pretty long trip home, especially with Jesse who had just come down with strep throat, and Janna who overindulged in dairy over the trip and had explosive bowel movements.  But, it was SO worth the trip.

As I said, something my pregnant self just wouldn’t do.  But, I’m feeling really good these days.  Asher has hit a normal sleep schedule since a week or so before Christmas where he goes to bed with the other kids around 7. And he doesn’t need soothed to sleep any more.  Just changed, fed, and he puts himself to sleep from wide awake without any fuss.   It makes a world of difference in having the evenings to catch up on housework, hang out with Dave a bit, and get an hour to read a book or have a bath or something before bed!  ONE solid hour of downtime a day is really, truly, a beautiful and wonderful gift when you have a pile of kids!

It’s my Christmas gift from Asher, I think to myself.  What is crazy is that last Christmas another child so soon was not even ON the radar.  But, it’s funny how quickly God can change your mind about things.  Last year, my new year held nausea, sick kids, and exhaustion.  This one feels so hopeful! I have of course made a pile of new years goals.  Actually, just 5.  Plus I am doing this fun de cluttering challenge, where you spend 15 minutes a day tackling an area to organize/de clutter of your house for the whole year.  I love the idea of de cluttering, but any tools I have found have just been too overwhelming.    But, I can absolutely commit 15 minutes a day to this for the year.  My area today was kitchen utensil drawers.  I tossed about 15 extra teaspoon measures, and 3 extra potato peelers, and broken tongs, and spatulas, and so much stuff I never use.  It was rejuvenating! And now I have neat and tidy utensil and cutlery drawers.  I am super excited for “spice” day.  Really, there is one day to de-clutter your spices.  I don’t know about you, but my spices really need some de-cluttering.  Ha ha ha...

So, back to talking about my down time.  With this one hour of down time, I do plan on blogging Asher’s birth story soon!  It is on my to-do list for January.  I feel ready and far enough removed from the situation to do it, just need to find the right time.  So, stay tuned for that one.   Thanks for reading! I’m out.