Friday, October 26, 2012

the movie conundrum, and helpful people

Well, my intense nesting bug has continued through the week.  I have had this intense drive to stay on top of all house related things, and tackled some weird tasks like organizing my junk drawer and vitamin/meds basket???   ADD in staying up late sewing the kids Halloween costumes, and feeling the need to make either homemade hummus, guacamole or smoothies each night- and I have not squeezed in the time to blog in a few days.  However- tonight at 7 I just felt like- WOW! I overdid it.  So- maybe I will take a week of cutting back and have more time to blog.. we'll see!  I tend to move in these wave like patterns of INTENSE productivity and then a bit of a crash for a few days before the next one builds up.

Tonight, even though I wanted to crawl in bed at 7 and sleep for 24 hours, tonight was DATE NIGHT for Dave and I.   We remembered a few weeks ago that Katie gave us a coupon for 2 movie admissions and food- WITH the added bonus of free babysitting so we could go and actually do it.  We figured we should use it before the baby comes, and arranged for her to watch the kids tonight.   Well, when we set about looking into what was playing- we saw NOTHING!  Sure, there were a few that I wouldn't have minded seeing, (that Dave had zero interest in) and a few that Dave thought looked just ok (that I was not too interested in).  But- nothing that looked GREAT to either of us.

Is this not ALWAYS the way it is?  When I have time and money (or coupons) for a movie there is NOTHING playing.  And then when there are 4 movies that are amazing playing- I have no time or money or freedom to take one in.  Does anyone else feel this way?   Getting out for a theater experience is such a luxury these days.  And we could just not bring ourselves to waste our precious movie coupons and theater date on a lame one.

Anyways- Dave and I haven't been out together for a while, so we decided just to go out for a leisurely coffee and chat.  It was really nice and I was happy I didn't bail on him for sleep.  He's pretty great to have coffee with, and it's so incredibly refreshing to get OUT without the munchkins.  Thank you Katie Vance.

I feel very thankful for God's provision through people lately.  While Katie is our ON CALL person to watch the kids should I go into labor evenings, nights or weekends- I have been feeling nervous about what to do with my kids should I POP during the weekdays while Katie and Dave are both at work.  So- being my lame and dorky organized self- I sent out an email with the 20 dates surrounding my due date to some friends and church folk .  I asked if anyone could be on "LABOUR CALL" for any of the 20 dates?  This would mean having your cell phone glued to you, turned up, and being prepared to drop any plans to be at my place in about 30 minutes to watch my kids while Dave and I headed into the hospital.  Well... within 8 hours of the email being sent- I had ALL 20 of the dates covered.  Amazing!

 When I am older I am looking forward to helping out moms and families with young kids.  I have already decided I will be in the church nursery, claiming "on call labour" dates, and hanging out with little ones during the evening, insisting young couples get away from their babies to take time to connect.  I will particularly hunt down people in my area who have little family to rely on.  I feel so grateful for all the help that has been lined up, and continues to be lined up for us.

Well, the 9:30 hour is approaching, and my bed is calling!
Thanks for reading. I'm out!

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