Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Break Bliss and the misadventures of David

It's a dreary Sunday afternoon in Ottawa, and the boys are chillin' on the couch playing some Mario. Cooper is curled up on his pillow on the floor, sleeping the day away. I just downed one enormous mug of coffee, and am enjoying this lazy feeling day.

The past week has been absolutely wonderful, with Dave being on March Break. He had to spend about 3 full days doing school prep and marking- but otherwise spent the remainder with Jesse and I. We've been going to the park, taking lots of walks, watching a ton of LOST episodes, and eating WAY too much Brie cheese. I feel like we really needed some time as a couple and family to regroup and connect, and it's been a great week for that. We were also lucky to have a week full of sunny days in 15 degree range, and that added to the March Break Bliss.

Jesse is such a little boy these days, and has decided his favourite activity this week is throwing things. We fill up this basket full of all his little toys- blocks, rattles, balls, teething rings, etc- and sit him on the floor with it. He pulls one thing out at a time and shakes it to death, then whips it across the room. Now... I'm wondering if I should be discouraging this sort of behavior? Thoughts, anyone? But, he has so much fun with it, and it entertains him by himself for a while, so I've just been letting him go at it. He also initiates peek-a-boo, which is the cutest thing ever. No progress on crawling...still. But, I'm ok with that. I know that he will be into EVERYTHING when he gets moving, so am enjoying not having to chase him, yet.

Dave has been a super wonderful help all week, and I just love him. Yesterday, while I was at work, Dave decided to take Jesse on an adventure. He's been wanting a more manly baby carrier that he could tote Jesse around on his back. Apparently, he doesn't feel very manly using my slings?? :) Anyways, he decided he would take Jesse on the half hour bus trip to babiesRus to pick one out. I told him he was very brave, and should take the stroller... so he didn't have to carry Jesse the whole time. He didn't want to take the stroller, and said he'd be fine just carrying him. I guess the bus ride on the way there was great... Jesse was smiling at everyone, and as happy as good be. But when Dave got to the store, there were a TON of couples looking at carriers in the exact same section, and trying them all on. He sort of just watched everyone, and picked one out that most people ended up going with.

Now, when Dave gets a new Toy or a new anything, he has to use it RIGHT AWAY. A few days ago at the mall, he bought new socks at Sears, and put them on right after he bought them before continuing to any other stores at the mall. I thought that was so funny. So, as with the socks, he decided he needed to try out the carrier right away. Outside of the store, he proceeded to TRY and open the box, figure out all the straps, get Jesse into the carrier, and onto his back. All of this with Jesse in his arms, as there was nowhere to put him. Not even a bench anywhere! He couldn't figure things out, and upon reading the instructions discovered you need 2 people to get the baby onto your back in a safe manner. Now, if that was me.. I would have just been on my merry way with my purchase in hand to try at a later date. But, not Dave. He found some sort of box to sit Jesse on, and try and get him into the carrier, and onto his back... I guess Jesse started crying and fussing, and all these other couples with their babies were looking at him strangely. Dave said he felt awful. Like... everyone was thinking he was this horrible father. Anyhoo... I guess some guy passed by and said one of Jesse's feet was stuck, and helped him out. Dave proceeded to catch the bus back home. However, in all his dismay went the wrong direction on a crowded bus, and couldn't get OFF for 15 minutes. Finally, he got off and turned around, and Jesse started fussing again the whole ride home. When he arrived at the bus stop near our place, Jesse was miserable in the carrier, and Dave went to try and take it off, but the clips were jammed and he couldn't get the thing off his back. He ended up lifting it over his head with Jesse in it, and asked some girl looking at him with concern to make sure Jesse didn't fall out while doing all of this. Anyways, I guess it was a bit of a nightmare. We returned the complicated carrier, and got a much better one today. Oh Dave. Tsk. Tsk. Should have listened to mama. The stress he would have saved himself if he would have just taken the stupid stroller. I must say, though, life is never dull with Daver.


Well, it's my turn to watch Baby Boo, so Dave can have some down time. THanks for reading. I'm out.


  1. I've read that a baby throwing things to see what happens is a milestone, so I think you're right in letting him enjoy it!

    Dave is so much braver than James. Life can be hard with a fussy baby, eh? There's no way James would have gone on an adventure like that without me! Tell Dave 'Good Job!'

  2. Great blog entry! Love hearing about the Vance Jr.'s adventures. Nice looking carrier!

  3. Also...Dave's hair looks great! Good job!

  4. I have to say I found this story hilariously great - OH MY. So funny! I can just picture all of the bumbling and fumbling that went on, but he was brave to make the attempt!
